At Google TV we want to open the living room to the web, making all television content more relevant and engaging. This is especially true for sports content. Fans want to check the latest in their fantasy leagues, tune into highlights and watch the game that’s on right now, all from the comfort of their couch. Today, hockey fans have one more reason to cheer this playoff season. The NHL has released a TV optimized web app for Google TV that gives you access to on demand video highlights, up-to the-minute scores and in-depth statistics.
The NHL web app lets you sit back, relax, and enjoy highlights from recent games straight from your living room. If you missed the game over the weekend, using the NHL GameCenter Dashboard you can go back to previous days and view all video highlights, box scores, and match-up stats. You can also check out video highlights for some of the season’s most exciting games. Summary stats for leading players as well as league standings are also available. Check out the app in the Google TV Spotlight Gallery.
We’re excited that the NHL has released this web app and we’re looking forward to checking out the rest of the playoffs (and the 2011-2012 season) on Google TV. Game on!
Charlie Harding, Google TV Marketing
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